VS Athletics

1450 W 228th St #8, Torrance, California, 90501, United States

  custserv@vsathletics.com     800-676-7463     800-801-9070

Maryville University

  1. Add desired items to your cart. For the training shoe section, click here. Items not authorized by the coach will be removed from the order.
  2. When done, go to checkout page.
  3. Enter YOUR NAME and address. NOT the schools.
  4. Choose payment method Purchase Order.
  5. Enter the school name in EVERY FIELD
  6. Agree to the terms (checkbox at bottom) and checkout.

We will combine the orders into one for the coach and add your name to the order notes with the size you chose.


  SKU Product Our Price

Information correct as of 04:51 PM, 12-19-2024